In Your Box

Produce We've Saved! (Organic and Conventional)


Storage Tips: Store mushrooms in their original packaging or a porous paper bag. Avoid placing mushrooms near foods with strong odours because they'll absorb them like a sponge.

Recipe: Garlic Mushroom Pasta


Storage Tips: Place whole strawberries on a tray lined with clean paper towels or reusable refrigerator liners. Wash strawberries only when you're ready to eat them.

Recipe: Strawberry Oatmeal Bars

Bell Peppers

Storage Tips: Place the peppers in a bag, ideally with holes for air circulation (e.g., a mesh bag), and store in the crisper drawer. Try to remove any excess moisture!

Recipe: Stuffed Bell Peppers

Sugar Snap Peas

Storage Tips: Refrigerate sugar snap peas in a plastic bag, and they should last for a week to ten days. Do not wash until ready to use! 

Recipe: Roasted Sugar Snap Peas

Asian Pears

Storage Tips: Store Asian pears in the refrigerator, ideally in the fruit drawer and in a way that they will not be crushed or bruised.

Recipe: Asian Pear Crisp

Mini Watermelons

Storage Tips: Store whole watermelons at room temperature. If cut, wrap tightly or place in an airtight container & store in the fridge.  

Recipe: Watermelon Skewers


Storage Tips: Store raspberries dry and in the original clamshell container (or a breathable container). Avoid keeping them in the coldest part of the fridge.

Recipe: Raspberry Crumble Bars


Storage Tips: Store grapes in the back of the crisper drawer (i.e., coldest place in the fridge). Grapes absorb odours; avoid storage next to pungent foods.

Recipe: Easy Grape Jam


Storage Tips: Store whole cantaloupes at room temperature. If cut, wrap slices tightly or place cubed cantaloupe in an airtight container & store in the fridge.

Recipe: Cantaloupe Sorbet


Storage Tips: Keep eggplants in a cool spot and away from direct sunlight (i.e., avoid the fridge!). Use them as soon as possible after harvesting or buying. 

Recipe: Garlic Parmesan Baked Eggplant

Swiss Chard

Storage Tips: Store chard in a perforated or unsealed plastic bag, and place the bag in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator.

Recipe: Sautéed Swiss Chard


Storage Tips: Wrap in a dry towel, place in a plastic bag, and store in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator.

Recipe: Celery Soup


Storage Tips: Wrap a whole head of lettuce a damp paper towel and in a plastic bag. Store in the refrigerator. For individual leaves, spin them dry after washing and store in the fridge. 

Recipe: Chicken Lettuce Wraps


Storage Tips: Store whole honeydew at room temperature. If cut, wrap slices tightly or place cubed honeydew in an airtight container & store in the fridge.

Recipe: Honeydew Caprese Salad

Sweet Potatoes

Storage Tips: Store sweet potatoes is in a cool, dry, and dark area. Avoid storing sweet potatoes in the refrigerator, which will lead to an unpleasant taste.

Recipe: Sweet Potato Pancakes


Storage Tips: Store cut cucumbers by wrapping them in a damp paper towel and place them in an airtight storage container. 

Recipe: Asian Cucumber Salad


Storage Tips: Store uncut and unwashed leeks in the fridge. If cut, put them in a storage bag with an airtight seal or airtight container

Recipe: Potato Leek Soup


Storage Tips: Raw broccoli needs air circulation to stay fresh, so loosely cover the broccoli bunch with a plastic bag in the fridge.

Recipe: Pasta with Broccoli Sauce


Storage Tips: On the counter and away from direct sunlight, whole apples will keep for a week. They will last for 1 month in the crisper drawer of the fridge.

Recipe: Old Fashioned Apple Crisp


Storage Tips: Store bananas at room temperature and away from light until ripe. Once ripe, place them in the fridge or freeze for long-term use!

Recipe: Banana Bread


Storage Tips: Store unwashed beets in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator. For long-term storage, try freezing or pickling them!

Recipe: Quick Pickled Beets

Bok Choy

Storage Tips: Store bok choy in a plastic bag in the crisper section of the refrigerator for up to a week. Wash immediately before using to remove dirt!

Recipe: Garlic Bok Choy

Brussels Sprouts

Storage Tips: Keep Brussels sprouts dry! Store them in a perforated plastic bag in the crisper drawer, which will limit the amount of incoming moisture.

Recipe: Sautéed Brussels Sprouts

Red Cabbage

Storage Tips: Cabbage is best stored whole and unrinsed until ready to use. Place it in a plastic bag in the crisper drawer of your fridge.

Recipe: Sweet & Sour German Red Cabbage


Storage Tips: Cut the green crowns from carrots, and store them in an airtight bag or submerged in water in an airtight jar. Keep carrots in the crisper drawer!

Recipe: Carrot Cake


Storage Tips: Store cauliflower heads in the refrigerator. They need air circulation, so keep them in a perforated bag or loosen the knot from its plastic bag.

Recipe: Roasted Cauliflower Tacos


Storage Tips: Store grapefruits at room temperature if consuming within 2-3 days, as citrus fruits are juicier when slightly warm. Otherwise, store them in the crisper of the fridge!

Recipe: Grapefruit Curd

Green Beans

Storage Tips: Store unwashed, fresh green beans in a reusable container or plastic bag in the refrigerator crisper. Wash only when ready to eat!

Recipe: Green Beans Amandine


Storage Tips: Keep lemons at room temperature if they will be used soon. For longer storage, stash them in the fridge or freeze the juice in a container!

Recipe: Lemon Bars

Lo Bok (Daikon / Chinese Turnip)

Storage Tips: Cut off the leaves, and store lo bok in a cold, moist environment. Place them in the refrigerator with a damp paper towel or cloth in a sealed bag.

Recipe: Turnip Cake (Lo Bak Go)


Storage Tips: Unripe mangoes are best stored at room temperature. Once ripe, keep them in the crisper of the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.

Recipe: Thai Mango Sticky Rice

Hami Melon

Storage Tips: Store whole, unopened Hami melons at room temperature until ripe. Keep sliced melons in a sealed container or wrapped in plastic in the fridge.

Recipe: Melon Bruschetta


Storage Tips: Store nectarines in dry, cool place at room temperature to ripen. Once ripe, keep them in the crisper of the refrigerator!

Recipe: Nectarine Cobbler


Storage Tips: Store onions in a cool, dry, and ventilated place and away from direct sunlight. Avoid storing whole onions in the fridge, as they will soften with moisture.

Recipe: Vidalia Onion Pie


Storage Tips: Store oranges at room temperature if consuming within 2-3 days, as citrus fruits are juicier when slightly warm. Otherwise, store them in the crisper of the fridge!

Recipe: Orange Tofu

Poblano Peppers

Storage Tips: Make sure the poblano peppers are dry before tying them in a plastic bag. Store in the crisper drawer of the fridge, preferably near the front.

Recipe: Southwest Stuffed Poblano Peppers


Storage Tips: Keep plums at room temperature to ripen. Once ripe, store in the crisper of the fridge & avoid adjacency to other pungent foods.

Recipe: Plum Torte


Storage Tips: Store potatoes is in a cool, dry, and dark area. Ensure good airflow to prevent accumulation of moisture, and do not store them in the fridge!

Recipe: Smashed Potatoes


Storage Tips: Allow unripe tomatoes to ripen at room temperature in a dark, well-ventilated area. Avoid storing tomatoes in the fridge for too long, as they lose flavour.

Recipe: Marinara Sauce